I decided to write every day, so here I am. Unfortunately, I don't have inspiration at this time. But if the simple act of writing is all I promised myself, and apparently Blogger is not very popular anymore meaning it is unlikely someone will read this, I'd say I'm doing pretty well.
A little about why I've started this: I am a giver-upper. I start quite a few things and then suddenly I'm no longer doing them. I've started this blog for example, and if you look at the publish dates you'll see I'm inconsistent. Drawing, writing, bike riding, running, yoga, dancing, swimming, meditating, the list goes on...I tell myself I will do all of these things with consistency. The only constant is I always stop. That is why I am here, writing to no one but myself because I am done with stopping. That's ironic. I want to set goals for myself and see them come to fruition. Below are my goals, hold me accountable, or don't - you don't exist so do whatever you want.
Goal: To write daily. What I write doesn't matter, when I write doesn't matter, how long I write doesn't matter, as long as I write and I have proof that I've written that day. I'll shoot for a month of this habit, hopefully by October 12th, 2022 it will stick.
Goal: To believe in me. When did I stop thinking I was the coolest person? Did life beat the confidence out of me? Can I blame magazines, tv, billboards, and ads? I don't want to believe all of the people who have looked at me and said "really, you?" I am going to believe in myself. That means I believe I am capable, I believe I can try and succeed, I believe I can fail and stand back up, I believe that I am wonderful, and I will hear myself say these affirmations and I will believe in myself.
Goal: To allow for the possibility of good. My friend's therapist accused her of constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop, I am surrounded by shoes. I have some pairs, but a ton of mismatched because their partner never fell. Floating above my head are a thousand shoes that I have been dodging and hiding from because I'm so sure they are going to fall at any moment. And maybe they will, but why should I plan my life around floating shoes? Why should I be worried about something that might never happen? Just because it has happened doesn't mean it will, and that's what I want to learn. I want to walk freely, and confidently, and enjoy the world around me - the only shoes I want to think about are the ones on my feet.
There it is, three goals. I'm stopping there. If I go on, which I could, I'll be overwhelmed which will lead to stopping - and we've stopped stopping, remember?