Thursday, November 17, 2016

Hello Possible Reader (Good Luck)

Hi there, it's been awhile. It's funny how the world can suddenly become so busy, not Book of Mormon funny, but more this is so funny I need a shot of Novocaine because life is hurting me so much...maybe that is BoM funny. Anyway, I suppose I should update you on my life...if anyone is actually reading this.

[Insert Daveed Diggs meme, "What'd I Miss]

I'm not actually going to include that photo. A Hamilton meme on a Broadway obsessed blog, too predictable. 

In May I graduated college and promptly started a job that in no way compliments my major. I'm living at home with my mom which means I have watched almost every show on Netflix twice and have not gone out on a Saturday night in three months. And I suppose in many ways, I'm exactly where I was when I started this blog.

Confused. Wandering. Scared. And always, hopeful.

How often these four seem to be found together. The hero is always lost, scared, confused, but has hope for a brighter future. Name any YA novel and I bet that will be the plot. Maybe we are all living our own novels and we are just searching for the strength to flip the next page.

My next page starts tomorrow; I'm going on an adventure and I'm making the next chapter of my life.

Screw the third person narrative. This is my biography and I'm going to take charge.

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