Wednesday, February 27, 2019


what if the girl who could do it all –
Can’t do this?

She’s so smart,
she’s so talented, she’s so great at finding time for,
A balance.

But what if she’s not!
What if she needs to have time for nothing, time to erase.
To stop being and

What if she needs, but can’t accept.
She runs, she runs,
Never allowing a breath
If you slow down, you die –
if you die you’ve given up,
She can’t do that
She can’t be the girl who gave up,
Because she never gives up…
She never

Even when her world broke in two,
When her heart stopped beating,
She kept moving.
She kept being.
Pushed on.
She does not give up.
She is needed to be strong
She is incapable of putting down the weights
And admitting she’s shaking.

She continued when the darkness fell.
She pushed on as the sky bled and the stars rained down.
She does not stop.
She cannot stop.
Because then the universe will know.
she is simply human.

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